Instacart - a grocery ordering and delivery app are aiming at making it easy to fill your storeroom and refrigirator with your favorites food, vegetables and fruits whenever you need them. After selecting products through the Instacart app, personal shoppers review your order and do the in-store shopping and delivery for you.
Instacart is challenging the data science community to use this anonymized data on customer orders over time to predict which previously purchased products will be in a user’s next order.
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Introduction In this case study, we are going to explore the processes involved in a typical data mining task. When building a predictive model, there are some common problems you are likely to meet in your data - problems such as missing values, imbalanced classes, un-informative attributes and so on. Here we shall look at some proven techniques for dealing with such problems and many other important guidelines.
We shall make an attempt to understand some functions that can make your life easier when working on projects in r
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